Along with fellow Comanche Nation tribal members, CLPG facilitators attended the 2018 Shoshone Language Reunion on July 23-25 on the Southern Ute Reservation in Ignacio, Colorado.

This year's Language Reunion was outstanding. Our relatives the Southern Utes did an great job hosting this years language reunion. From the beautiful scenery of the Rocky Mountains to the various workshops and demonstrations, this year was a very memorable experience.
Event Highlights

The event took place at the Sky Ute Casino Resort in Ignacio, Colorado. Each morning started off with a Sunrise ceremony where prayers were offered and songs were sang as the new day approached. Directly following was the bringing in of the colors by veterans from each of the tribes represented. Each day brought new experiences as the various presentations offered a glimpse into the unique cultures of each tribe represented.
One particular highlight was the filming and documenting of a language panel discussion. It consisted of 3 Comanche Elder Language Speakers and 3 Shoshone & Ute Language Speakers. The discussion was setup by members of the CLPG and video documented by Comanche Nation IT/Media Division employees, Dustin Miller and Shadrick Large. The video is currently being edited and will be posted upon completion.
